A recent failed hummingbird shot led to this. A while back I bought a used manual focus 70-210mm lens to use for hummingbirds. When I first got it, the aperture was sticky, resulting it way over exposed shots. The seller said 'keep it', since it would cost too much to fix. I set it aside for a while. When I got a new camera, I decided to see what the focal length range of the 70-210 looked like. I tried a few shots, and the aperture was working okay. :-) I've been using it for a while and the aperture occasionally sticks. The last time it happened, the image looked nice, if only the bird was exposed properly. Which brings me to this shot of a female Allen's Hummingbird approaching a bromeliad flower. It was a properly exposed shot, but I made a copy, and deliberately over exposed it by 3 stops in my RAW converter. I then overlaid the images, did a little dodging and burning, and this is the result. I like it, I hope you do too.